The ABC of Game Modding

Have you ever looked at a game and thought that it could be better? If only there were a feature that fixes a bug, adds a new way to do something, or improves the character’s look. You wouldn’t be alone, and while you’re thinking about it, there’s probably already a solution through game mods.
Game mods are pieces of software that can be added to a game to make small (or large) changes to a game. They’re not created by the developers of the game, but rather they’re created by enthusiasts who love the game and want their content to be enjoyed by others.
What Can A Game Mod Change?
A game mod can change many elements of the game, from fixing a simple bug that has not been sorted by the development team or change the entire look and feel of the game. A notable example is the Star Wars: Empire at Wars mod, where modders added new ships, characters, and designs for existing characters of the game.
There are also those gaming mods that change a lot about the game that it almost becomes a new game. Team Fortress owes its existence to this kind of mod that has now had a standalone sequel and a possible third coming out.
Mods can also add franchises into a game. Stellaris, Freelancer and others have added ships from numerous franchises like Star Trek, Star Wars, Stargate, and Farscape into the games for players to interact with their favorite universe.
Finally, game mods can also be used to extend the playability of games. This can be by changing the characteristics of the AI to make it more challenging or realistic or, users can add new levels to the game, like those created for Command & Conquer: Remastered Edition.
Rome: Total War also had a mod where modders changed much of the gameplay to make it more realistic. They also added new units, new locations, and new mechanics to make the game much more exciting and fulfilling.
Why Are Game Mods So Important?
Game modding has become a central part of the gaming experience for many players. While Vanilla games are good, there’s something attractive about customizing the game to fit in better with the player’s expectations. This makes game modding an important part of the environment that allows games to continue to be played.
This can also help developers. Some developers, like those behind Stardew Valley, have used gaming mods to plan for future updates, including some of the favorite mods in official updates. Modding can also keep the interest in the game alive. Therefore, developers can spend more time on a game because the community is building a strong affection for the game.
Stellaris is a great example of this. Those behind the development of this game have gone through two massive updates that have completely changed the workings of the game instead of releasing sequels for the same purpose. This is because there have been so many mods available that players can stay interested in the base game.
Mods can also be a great way for some professional gamers and enthusiasts to earn money, learn new skills and improve the branding for their own games.
What Do Game Mods Represent?
Game Mods have become an essential part of the community. They’re becoming a social talking point when it comes to the gaming community. Steam, a gaming streaming service, supports mods by offering an area within their dashboard to search and download mods. Contributors can also upload their own mods and speak to other players about them.
Mods are also a popular discussion point on blogs. Some blogs will concentrate on the best mods for a particular game, and these articles can receive hundreds of views.
Mods also represent something else; they represent a desire by players to have a customized gaming experience. They don’t just want to complete a story that has been predestined; they want to have a unique game that they can then share on forums. Many game forums now have areas where players can share their gameplays, and Twitch and YouTube streamers can find fame by showcasing their playthroughs on popular games.
The One Problem With Mods
There is one element of game modding that can have a massive impact on the success of mods, and that is game updates. The problem is that game modders often have little revenue from their work. Some can be supported through Patreon schemes or YouTube/Twitch videos, but many are unpaid. Therefore, some of them will not have the time to respond effectively when an update is released, which impacts the performance of their mod.
And this can happen. Some developers do just abandon a project because it isn’t financially possible to continue to update the mod to work with new game updates. This can infuriate players as it means favorite mods can sometimes become worthless. This harms the industry as a whole. However, there is a solution to this.
The Future Of Game Modding
Up until now the future of game modding has always been focused on the enthusiasts offering players the chance to customize the game. The modders often receive little to no monetary compensation for the hours of work they put into a game mod. It’s also not uncommon for a mod to become obsolete when a game update is released that interferes with the mod’s main function.
In addition, while a mod is an excellent way to customize the gaming experience for the player, it isn’t unique to that player. Some mods are used by hundreds or thousands of players. Therefore experiences can be enhanced by mods, but they’re not unique.
However, there are now new systems that are allowing players to truly get more unique experiences. Digitalax has released its own eSports system, ESPA, where players and developers can both benefit from a more unique system that is more sustainable and effective.
Gamers can be offered the chance to own unique, one-time skins or items for their characters. This can really build interest in a game if the player has a unique look. At the same time, modders can be compensated for their contributions to a game.
This system, using blockchain and NFTs, is still in the early stages, but the growth in 2020 has shown that this new system is in demand and more sustainable.
Ever since the first game, there have been mods. The first mods were a simple level creation tool where players could create new levels and share them with players on the same computer. When Doom was released in the 1990s, game developers had taken an interest in game modding and allowed for easy access to game files that could be altered for players.
Since then, game modding has come a long way, and there is a thriving community that allows players and developers to share ideas, mods and more. This increases the enjoyment and longevity of games. And the future is looking even more bright with ways for the developers of mods to find financial gains from their gaming passion.